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March of the Proletariat

by Ross Randall Johnson


Part of 12 Days of Fiction this year will be spotlighting existing writers who may not have their voices represented in fiction. Today's piece is March of the Proletariat by Ross Randall Johnson. 


Johnson is is a Detroit native with a passion for writing and music. He is the author of Marvelous Tales: A Collection of Unusual Short Stories, published in 2015. Currently, he splits time between various projects, including working on a series of novels, poetry, and composing new music (both solo and collaborative projects).


Click here to read March of the Proletariat. 



12 Days of Fiction


I had an idea. An idea that would make the perfect gift for people this holiday season. Story. Creation. Narrative. All for free.


So I contacted some people I know who I thought might make a good fit. People who have a creative streak and have something to say. People from different backgrounds and different ways of expressing themselves.


Each day for 12 days, new material will be released. It's our gift to you. Happy Holidays. Celebrate story.

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